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Session selector

Select a session by searching by lab, subject, or brain region in the dropdown menu or by selecting from the available insertions in the 3D brain.

Examples: cortexlab (lab), CSHL052 (subject), CA1 (brain region)

Session overview

In each session, the electrical activity recorded on the probe is sorted into "clusters", groups of spikes that appear to come from the same neuron. We sub-select from these clusters only those that pass three stringent quality control metrics.

In the panel below we show the activity of these good clusters throughout the whole session as well as some metrics computed on the raw ephys signals (e.g. the RMS of the high-frequency AP signal; and the power in the delta band of the LFP). These signals help us identify the boundaries between brain regions.

We also show the behavior of the mouse throughout this session, in a trained mouse you expect to see biased performance when stimuli were more likely to appear on one side or the other. Most mice increase their reaction time throughout the session.

Please hover your mouse over a subplot panel of interest above to obtain its figure legend here.
Please hover your mouse over a subplot panel of interest above to obtain its figure legend here.

Single trial overview

Select a trial from the dropdown menu to see trial parameters and the mouse's behavior. In the lower panels you can see the position of this trial in the recording and whether any ephys activity is clustering around important behavioral events.

Please hover your mouse over a subplot panel of interest above to obtain its figure legend here.
Please hover your mouse over a subplot panel of interest above to obtain its figure legend here.

Single cluster overview

Select a good cluster from the dropdown menu or by clicking directly on the unit to visualize its properties.

Please hover your mouse over a subplot panel of interest above to obtain its figure legend here.